What are the chakras (and how you can unblock or balance them with Reiki)?

What are the chakras (and how you can unblock or balance them)?

The word “chakra” translates to “wheel” in Sanskrit. Chakras are the main energy centers of the body. Each of these energy centers correspond to nerve bundles, major organs, and even emotions. When the chakras are unbalanced (either stagnant or over-active), you may feel physical or emotional symptoms. Read on to learn about each of the 7 main chakras, how to know if their energy isn’t flowing optimally, and how to balance them.

The 7 main chakras:

The root chakra

The root chakra is the energy center that keeps you feeling grounded, like a well-rooted tree, able to withstand the droughts and storms of life. If you are currently experiencing feelings of anger, anxiousness, uneasiness, instability, or like you can’t quite get your life together, you may need some root chakra balancing.

The best way to ground yourself is to literally spend some time outside, with your feet touching the ground. Take your shoes and socks off, feel the grass between your toes and enjoy some fresh air. Try some yoga or stretching to enhance your grounding experience. Gardening, forest therapy, hiking, or even relaxing outdoors with a good book are also excellent ways to keep yourself grounded.

The sacral chakra

The sacral chakra helps to facilitate creative and joyful emotions. Living in the moment, feeling passionate about what you’re doing, being proud of who you are, and sparks of creativity, are all signs of a well-balanced sacral chakra (feeling the opposite may mean this energy center needs more balance).

To balance the sacral chakra, make some time for activities that bring you joy, try things that you’ve always wanted to do, allow yourself to be artistic or creative, listen to / play music, or work towards a career or calling you feel passionate about.

The solar plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra is where your self-confidence, identity and personal power are generated. Have you ever been in a situation where something felt “off”? Or the opposite, where you just knew something was right for you? Where did you feel those cues in your body? Most likely it was in your gut. This is where the phrase “gut reaction” comes from, and it’s an indication that you’re drawing on the energy of your solar plexus.

To energize the solar plexus, try making a list of your talents and abilities and make a conscious effort to share them with others. Spend some time fine-tuning or developing your talents, discover new talents by trying something that interests you, meditate to receive clarity in your life, or try doing some Reiki or energy work.

The heart chakra

When we think of the image of a heart 💚, we associate it with love, and this is exactly what the heart chakra is all about. Expressing love for others, love for plants, animals, and the planet, and love for ourselves, will help this chakra come into balance. The heart chakra is also associated with health and healing.

Energizing a stagnant heart chakra may take some time. Many of us have spent our whole lives building up walls and defenses, and it isn’t always easy to knock those down. The first step is to show love and appreciation to yourself. Do what makes your heart sing.

Reflect on all of your positive attributes and talents. While we are generally quick to notice our own faults and failures, we all have successes and things we are good at. Give yourself compassion when things don’t go right, and give yourself the grace to learn from mistakes, try again or to try something new. Essentially, give yourself the love that you want others to give to you.

The throat chakra

The throat chakra is all about good communication. Having the courage to speak your truth, and also the capacity to hear the truths of others. If you ever feel like you need to hold back, bite your tongue, or be inauthentic in your communication, the throat chakra may be out of balance. If you have a hard time letting others express themselves without jumping in or dismissing their feelings (“yeah, but at least…”), or in contrast, you care so much about what others have to say that you neglect your own feelings, then this energy center may need some work.

Blocked throat chakras may go all the way back to childhood when many of us were advised that good children were to be seen, but not heard. Culturally, we have a hard time dealing with strong emotions (especially strong emotions of others), so expressions like “You’ll be okay/alright,” “Be brave!” and “Don’t cry!” teach us to stuff our emotions rather than feel or express them.

To get to a place where you’re comfortable speaking your truth, practice sharing how you really feel in un-stressful situations first. For example, rather than saying “That’s fine.” say, ” You know, I don’t really feel like having pizza today.” On the other end of the spectrum, if you find yourself constantly speaking over people, try hearing people out and then try to rephrase what they’ve told you to check for understanding. Sometimes as adults we overcompensate for not being heard as children by feeling a need to speak all the time.

If you’re a parent, allow your child to feel their feelings without the knee-jerk reaction to quiet them. Instead of “Shhh, it’s okay.” Try, “I imagine that hurt. How can I help?” Shifting how we deal with the emotions of others will help the next generation to speak their truths in a healthier way.

The third eye chakra

One translation for the third eye chakra (located approximately between the eyebrows) is “seat of intuition.” This chakra facilitates self-awareness, higher wisdom, visualization, clarity, discernment, imagination, and creative thinking.

When this chakra is in an unbalanced state, binary thinking (oversimplifying problems by reducing them to “right” vs “wrong” or “us” vs “them”) becomes the norm. It is challenging to see that issues have a middle-ground and that solutions to problems are often born from a wider perspective, not within the confines of a box.

A balanced third eye allows us to feel a sense of interconnection, creativity, non-judgement, and clarity. It allows us to calmly take a step back from our problems and observe, rather than react.

To help balance this chakra, journaling, self-reflection, meditation, Reiki, and breathing exercises are helpful. When we engage others with different viewpoints than us in conversation, just listen and truly try to understand their perspective. Approach life with curiosity and an open mind, rather than rigidity. Be willing to learn and allow yourself to grow, adapt, and change your mind.

The crown chakra

Because of its location near the top of your head, the crown chakra is associated with the brain and nervous system. It also guides our spiritual connection and links us with our higher purpose and higher selves.

Cynicism, apathy, lack of inspiration, a feeling that life is blah, addictions, “head in the clouds,” getting easily overwhelmed by information, poor coordination, exhaustion, and chronic headaches may be signs that the crown chakra is unbalanced.

Instead of attempting to open up and activate your crown chakra specifically, focus on balancing the other 6 chakras (especially the root chakra, which keeps you grounded). Meditation, time in nature, Reiki treatments, eating fresh, whole, healthy foods, yoga, and tai-chi are all great ways to balance all your energy centers.

As your crown chakra comes into balance, you may feel relaxed and at ease. Mentally, you might notice feeling more clear-headed, motivated, and happy. You may also find feel more connected with your spiritual side.


If you’ve neglected self-care for too long and you need to achieve balance in more than one chakra, Reiki is an effective way to relieve stress and get your human “circuit” flowing again.

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