How Reiki benefits kids

how reiki benefits kids

In today’s world, children have a multitude of stressors which contribute to issues such as poor sleep, anxiety, lack of focus, and behavioral challenges. The pressure of managing school and extra curricular activities, the arrival of a new brother or sister, moving to a new home, or global events all put a lot of stress on kids. Reiki is an excellent tool to support your child and teach them strategies to cope with these emotional and physical stressors. As a holistic, mindful, self-empowering practice, Reiki benefits kids by helping them…

  • Sleep better 🌛
  • Improve their focus and concentration ✏️
  • Reduce feelings of anxiety or stress 💚
  • Express their feelings and self-advocate 💬
  • Be more present in their bodies 🧍
  • Recognize physical & emotional sensations and triggers⚡
  • how reiki benefits kids
  • how reiki benefits kids
  • how reiki benefits kids
  • how reiki benefits kids
  • how reiki benefits kids
  • how reiki benefits kids

How to help

Bringing your child for regular Reiki treatments promotes balance and stress relief, but did you know that kids can learn Reiki too? One way learning Reiki benefits kids is that your child has access to tools that allow them to self-regulate, self-care, and self-advocate! As a certified teacher with additional training in school psychology, I also specialize in helping kids learn this amazing modality. How are my classes different?

Firstly, I teach classes in 1-hour sessions over several weeks, with opportunities to practice skills in-between. Additionally, activities are developmentally-appropriate and can be adapted for children with neurodiversity or exceptionalities. To support learning, I recommend that at least 1 parent attends classes so that they can reinforce the skills and techniques at home (and benefit from the calming energy of Reiki themselves). Contact me to learn more about how Reiki benefits kids!


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