A tool to release negative energy

lady in beach silhouette during daytime photography

Do you feel like you absorb or are affected by the energy around you? Do you feel exhausted after interactions with others? Do you feel deeply empathetic, but have little compassion left for yourself? If these statements resonated, you might be an empath.

An empath is a person who is highly attuned to the feelings and emotional states of others (whether they realize it or not). Empaths are kind, giving, and often selfless… so much so that they tend to forget to take care of themselves. What’s more, people who are struggling seem to be energetically drawn to the loving, compassionate nature of empathic personalities. While it is rewarding and important to help fellow humans, an empath’s energy can be quickly depleted. Like tiny suction-cups, sometimes energetic attachments can also cling to an empathic person because they are so open to receiving the pains of others.

So how can an empath release negative energy that they’ve unknowingly taken on? The following technique can help you lovingly let go of any energies that are no longer serving you.

While envisioning beautiful life-force energy entering in through the crown (top) of your head, breathe in through your nose and try to feel this energy moving down into your heart space.  Hold the breath gently to allow it to linger there for a second or two.  Picture the graceful, swirling, energy gathering up any negativity or energetic imprints left on you by others.  Now as you exhale slowly through your mouth, imagine that this loving energy is now flowing out the back of your heart space, through a small hole in-between your shoulder blades.  As it exits your body, it carries away any energy that is no longer serving you and releases it back to the universe. Repeat as needed.

side view photo of woman with her eyes closed holding her her as sunlight shines on her face

Try this breath-visualization practice whenever you feel your energy being drained by others, when the energy of a group or place feels “off” or when you’re feeling energetically depleted. It’s also important to restore your energy by doing activities that bring you joy, relaxing, and taking time for self-care. The world is a better place because of empaths, but we can’t help others if we’re exhausted or don’t protect and nourish our own energy.

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